Wednesday, May 4, 2011

I'm So Blessed.... ❤ ッ

Salam Alykom,

Hello, I love life because I have been blessed by some lives who have been almost always there for me. I have been blessed by God Almighty as HE has given me such nice friends that most of the emptiness in my heart has been filled with the beautiful friendship of my friends.❤ ッ

And the list of people who enter my life has yet to go on....cuz "I still have miles to go until I sleep" I am truly blessed. 


  1. True friends are really a blessings from Allah <3
    we cant find true friends so easily so once we have found a cute true friends we have to hold on to them...
    but always remember those who has left your life no wonder why they didnt make it to your future.. the left an empty place for people who even better ^_^ may Allah bless you =D

  2. Thank You Emma....yes I do agree. Thank God for everything.

  3. A friend is one of the nicest things you can have, and one of the best things you can be. ~Douglas Pagels

    Fahad, my world is richer because you are in it and my heart is happier because you are my friend. I am glad you call me friend

  4. Through sunshine and friends are always there for each other and you guys are my best friends. Thanks for your post Fahad and keep up the good work - this is a fantastic blog layout! xxx

  5. Thank You Sheila and Mandy! You guys are the best of the best! I really need your positive feedback and your creative remarks. Thanks again...

  6. Fahd Im so impressed by your blog and you selected the best post ever. About Friends! Friends are the best gift from Allah.

    Keep it up man and we will sure to visit it again and again. :)
